I want to be a nurse when I grow up!

Giving disadvantaged children a bright future is the goal of The Smith Family, a fantastic charity working to overcome educational equality in children caused by poverty.
The Smith Family are an independent charity that focus on improving educational outcomes for kids. They work with thousands of disadvantaged children and their families.
Mediserve loves supporting great initiatives like The Smith Family. What's especially gratifying is when we hear how we've helped! Mediserve supports 20 children in The Smith Family.
Mediserve's support of The Smith Family helps them run learning programs such as:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs
- Arts programs
- Community programs
- Financial programs
- Learning clubs
- Literacy programs
- Work experience programs
We were so pleased to hear updates from the 20 kids we support. In particular, we were moved by two kids who have set goals we are particularly passionate about - to be a doctor and a nurse!

Mediserve are passionate about helping charities like The Smith Family, because we believe in giving back to the community. Through Mediserve's support, over 20 children have benefited from The Smith Family's programs. We're especially happy the kids appreciate the support, and we're happy to keep helping.