Indigenous Literacy Day

Indigenous Literacy Day

Dear Mediserve Pty Ltd,

Thank you very much for your generous support of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

Over the lifetime of the project, thanks to donations like yours, we have:

  • delivered more than 170,000 books and literacy resources to over 250 remote communities
  • Funded Book Buzz, an early literacy project in 19 remote communities and service locations
  • Published and or funded, in partnerships, more than 43 community literacy projects
  • Travelled with ambassadors and authors to conduct writing workshops in remote schools across Australia
  • Launched a writing mentoring workshop in Alice Springs with a bequest from Pamela Lofts Estate.

In 2016-2017, our Foundation will focus our resources on early literacy and we look forward to updating you on our work.

Thank you again for helping us to make a difference. Please contact us if you have any questions about your donation.

Yours sincerely,

Karen Williams
Executive Director
